부띠크모나코뮤지엄(BMM)은 2009년 ‘21.5세기 기류채집도’ 개관전을 시작으로 국내 유명 작가와 디자이너들이 참여하여 전시했다.
건축, 미술, 디자인, 패션 등 다양한 장르 전시로 강남의 대표 공간으로 자리매김하며, 현재는 잠시 휴관을 거쳐 세계 예술건축분야까지 확장하여 전시 및 임대 공간으로 리뉴얼했다.
Exbihition Vision
Boutique Monaco Museum (BMM) has been planning to discover 133 artists and exhibit creative experiments since 2009.
There was an opportunity to explore new art through various art experiments.
In particular, experiments in the fields of art and architecture have led to the evolution of social installation art, and it is hoped that future art and industry convergence will continue through the museum's opening spirit.
Exbihition Space
The Boutique Monaco Museum (BMM) is
divided into three Halls, first of all
Hall 1 (Main Hall), Hall 2 (Reception Hall),
and Hall 3 (6 Studio Rooms) mainly used
as exhibition and rental spaces and these
spaces can be combined or used separately.
The Main Hall - 284m²
The Reception hall - 207m²
Studio Room - 278㎡
The Boutique Monaco Museum (BMM) is located on the B1 floor of the Boutique Monaco Building, and the Samsung headquarters is located across the street.
Main Hall
The main hall is an attractive space with natural light pouring in from above. It can be used as a space for exhibitions and events.
Reception Hall
The reception hall, which provides a variety of services, is a space to assist with events and exhibitions. There are various spaces and counters, including private counseling rooms.
Studio 6
The space with 5 studios, 1 seminar room and a small pantry is specialized for individual works and small-scale exhibitions.